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“Why Estrogen Is a Magic Bullet for Your Skin and Vaginal Health” – Vogue

August 11, 2023

We love seeing Perimenopause discussed in prominent news sources, like Vogue! High-quality evidence-based journalism supports and cites scientific governing bodies and their recommendations, such as NAMS. Check out the full article below:

The latest guidelines by NAMS (North American Menopause Society) uphold Hormone Therapy (HT) as a gold-standard treatment option for perimenopause. Estrogen-containing hormone therapy (with or without progestogen) can typically be categorized as either localized or systemic therapy. Systemic estrogen therapy can help, says Jacobson, with hot flashes, vaginal dryness, night sweats, and bone loss, which can all lead to improved sleep and sexual function and a better quality of life. Javaid also points to emerging studies around the benefit of testosterone therapy on the betterment of sexual function, arousal, and desire. And as for all those brain-related menopausal blips, recent research has also shown, adds Javaid, that hormone therapy may prevent cognitive decline and improve certain factors of brain health in women with specific genotypes. Jacobson cautions against the use of bioidentical hormones, though, as they are not closely regulated.



Why Estrogen Is a Magic Bullet for Your Skin and Vaginal Health

Written By:

Dr. Ariel Dalfen

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