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The Truth About Menopause Supplements: What You Need to Know

February 5, 2024

In Dr. Jen Gunter’s blog post Making Sense of Supplements, she discusses the myths and facts about menopause supplements. Here is a summary of the safety and effectiveness of some of the more popular supplements. 

Understanding the Difference: Vitamins vs. Supplements

Simply put, vitamins are essential nutrients that the body naturally produces or requires for optimal functioning. On the other hand, supplements encompass a broader range of products that include not only vitamins and minerals but also herbal remedies, botanical extracts, probiotics, Ayurvedic medicines, Traditional Chinese Medicine, and amino acids. Therefore, while all vitamins are supplements, not all supplements are vitamins.

Navigating the Supplement Maze

As consumers, it becomes crucial to discern which supplements are backed by scientific evidence and which are mere marketing gimmicks. To make an informed choice and ensure safety, Dr. Jen has developed a simple classification system for supplements.

  • Single Ingredient Supplements to Address Nutritional Deficiencies

This category primarily includes vitamins and minerals that are essential for meeting nutritional needs. For instance, individuals with certain medical conditions or taking specific medications might need to supplement their diet with specific nutrients. To determine nutritional needs and verify the contents of supplements, consult reliable sources such as the Office of Dietary Supplements, CDC, or Health Canada.

  • Fibre Supplements to Alleviate Constipation

A fibre-rich diet has numerous health benefits, including reducing the risk of colon cancer, heart disease, and constipation. While it is ideal to obtain fibre from whole foods, consuming the recommended daily intake of 25g-30g can be challenging for many. In such cases, fibre supplements can prove beneficial. Look for reliable fibre supplements and ensure fibre intake from whole foods is gradually increased for overall well-being.

  • Multivitamins: When are They Required?

Multivitamins are comprehensive supplements that provide a wide array of essential vitamins and minerals, but may not be required if a diet is nutritionally complete. They are particularly recommended for specific groups such as pregnant women or individuals who have undergone bariatric surgery. Use online tools like the DRI Calculator from the USDA to determine daily nutritional needs and consult Health Canada for reliable recommendations.

  • Single-Ingredient Supplements for Specific Conditions

Examples of these supplements range from omega-three supplements to reduce triglycerides to black cohosh for managing hot flashes. It is crucial to evaluate each claim individually and consider the available scientific research. Look for independent verification of single-ingredient supplements to ensure their quality and efficacy. Beware of adulterated or tainted products and always prioritize safety.

  • Multi-Ingredient Supplements: Buyer Beware

These supplements often combine vitamins, minerals, botanicals, amino acids, and other ingredients to create products claiming unproven health benefits. Beware of products claiming to cleanse, detox, or contain Ayurvedic medicines, as they often lack regulatory oversight and may even be contaminated with harmful substances. Avoid supplements designed for enhancing metabolism, burning fat, or boosting sports performance or libido, as they are more likely to carry potential risks. 

The Importance of Caution and Critical Thinking

It is crucial not to assume that all supplements are inherently safe, especially when it pertains to untested products. While some supplements have proven benefits for addressing nutritional deficiencies, others lack sufficient scientific evidence, contain contaminants, or may have adverse side effects. Never rely on information from individuals or companies selling their own products, as their vested interests may hinder objective advice.

In conclusion, menopause supplements should be approached with caution and critical thinking. By understanding the different categories of supplements, evaluating their scientific evidence, and using trusted resources, you can make informed decisions that prioritize your health and well-being.

Written By:

Dr. Bev Young

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