BRIA offers two types of group services:

1) Educational groups and webinars

offer BRIA members the opportunity to learn about relevant topics, such as how to manage stress in your relationship after bringing a baby home, or how to improve your sleep during the menopausal transition. BRIA also offers groups where you will learn new skills, such as  developing a yoga and meditation practice to manage anxiety at any life stage. These group offerings are available to all BRIA members.

2) Psychotherapy groups

create a forum where people can be open and share their experiences and learn coping skills, such as mindfulness meditation or cognitive-behavioural strategies to deal with stress, depression or anxiety. During group therapy, women experiencing similar life stressors or common symptoms come together under the guidance of BRIA therapists. By supporting one another through shared experiences, and realizing that they are not alone in their struggles, women often find that group therapy is empowering and enlightening. Sometimes women worry that they will “take on the worries” of the other group members and this will make them feel worse. Or they worry about their privacy and about feeling ashamed. In reality, people often find that they feel less alone and more connected when they share with others who have similar issues. BRIA group leaders will always discuss confidentiality and privacy matters to be sure these are respected. All BRIA group leaders are experienced mental health clinicians who are skilled at supporting women, educating them, and running groups on a virtual platform.