Nurse practitioners (NPs) are certified and trained healthcare providers who are authorized to provide a wide range of services to patients. In Ontario, NPs have completed a master’s degree in Advanced Practice Nursing, then they have passed a certification exam and are registered with the College of Nurses of Ontario (CNO). They also must have extensive clinical practice experience before they can register with the CNO as an NP. Once registered, they can provide a range of healthcare services, including diagnosing and treating common illnesses and injuries, prescribing medications, ordering and interpreting diagnostic tests, and providing health education and counselling.
Nurse practitioners in Ontario have an important role in improving access to medical care for patients, particularly in underserved areas of healthcare and remote areas. They are also important members of a healthcare team and help to promote better health outcomes for patients and to reduce the burden on the health care system.
At BRIA, our Nurse Practitioners do our MEDI and ADHD Assessments and also offer other mental health assessments and follow-up services.